Definition: Yarn bombing, yarnbombing, yarnstorming, guerrilla knitting, urban knitting or graffiti knitting is a type of graffiti or street art that employs colorful displays of knitted or crocheted yarn or fiber rather than paint or chalk.
On November 2, 2012, I participated in my first yarn bombing event. The Fredericksburg Area Museum was hosting this event to promote their current exhibit on Fiber Arts. The LYS, Old Town Yarnery, was co-hosting the event and they asked local knitters and crocheters to knit/crochet swatches for the yarn bomb. I crocheted a bunch of granny squares with some leftover purple and green yarn I had and on Thursday, the day before the event, I went to the museum to drop off my swatches and to help sew.
I didn't think I'd be able to participate the following day when the sewn swatches would be installed since I was picking my cousin, Brandi,up at the airport. She was visiting from CA and traffic can be a bear, especially on Friday afternoon/early evening. Thankfully, my sister came home Thursday night and offered to go with me to the airport the following day so that we could take the HOV (Carpool) lane home. We ended up getting back into Fred in time to have an early dinner and for me to participate in the yarn bomb. Yay!
All in all, it was a lot fun and I look forward to more of these types of events in the future. I met some new fellow knitters/crocheters, we brightened up the lampposts and one lucky bench in downtown Fred, and best of all, I felt a sense of pride seeing my color swatches adorning the covered items for the whole world to see!
Installing the sewn strips. That big purple swatch is one of mine! |
First lamppost covered. There's another one of my purple swatches. =)
Somebody made this cool swatch that said "Yarn Bomb"! |
This is the biggest thing covered. Can you pick out my swatches? Hint, one of them is green. And yes, I'm very proud of them. =) |
This was in the local paper. |
Some of the lovely ladies who put the event together.
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